Sejiro Avoseh
Lagos born and Canterbury, England based Sejiro Avoseh sees himself as a traveler on life’s byways; painting and recording people and things he encounters. In early 2021, Avoseh was living in Nigeria and making small paper collages out of magazine clippings and paint. First contacted him and asked if he would be interested in painting similar works, but on large canvases. First ultimately purchased these smaller works, and Avoseh subsequently was able to move himself and his family to England to continue pursuing his art and education. In September 2022, Avoseh was able to take part in The Cabin LA’s residency program. Avoseh’s Rage and Hues is an outgrowth from his fractured and amalgamated “Man in Limbo” series. This series was a collection of semi-cubist works that depict individuals existing in lands where political structures frequently change, and survival depends on avoiding and managing violent abuses of power brought about by institutional injustices such as class and gender hierarchies.